Peter Singer: «Wenn wir nicht Gott spielen, wer dann?»

29. Oktober 2016

Berichte von TIME europe vom World Economic Forum in Davos 2000[1] [2]

D A V O S  D I A R Y

Editor of TIME Asia Don Morrison writes from the World Economic Forum 2000 in Davos, Switzerland
The first installment of Don Morrison’s Davos Diary


«If we don’t play God, who will? There seem to me to be three possibilities: there is a God, but he doesn¹t care about evil and suffering; there is a God who cares, but He or She is a bit of an underachiever; or there is no God. Personally, I believe the latter.» Peter Singer, Professor of Bioethics, Princeton University

«Wenn wir nicht Gott spielen, wer dann? Es scheint mir, … es gibt keinen Gott.»


[1] (eingesehen am 25. Oktober 2007)

[2] (eingesehen am 20. Dezember 2005)

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